Upload suspicious files and get instant result about its harmfulness. Protect your enterprise, your network, family from dangerous threats and malicious people.

Installation via Ubuntu package manager

MFD is composed of two types of nodes : Static and Dynamic (Sandbox). Each node must be installed on a dedicated server and support /dev/kvm The processor(s) must support the x86-64 architecture with theSSE 4.2 and AVX instruction set extensions (Intel Sandy Bridge or better, AMD Bulldozer or better, etc.) Static’s node could be installed on Noble(24.04) with a minimum disk size of 100go. Dynamic’s node is optional and support only Ubuntu Focal(20.04) with a minimum disk size of 200go. After the installation of both nodes, the Dynamic node must bond to the Static node by launching the customisation script. First step : Please download the installation script.

Install Script

Static node

On static node, launch install script and enter your login and password provided by Orange Cyberdefense

sudo bash install.sh --login=LOGIN --password=PASSWORD --proxy=http://MY_PROXY

Sandbox node

On sandbox node, verify secure boot is disabled

$ mokutil --sb
SecureBoot disable
Then launch install script plus "--sandbox" parameter and enter your login and password provided by Orange Cyberdefense

sudo bash install.sh --sandbox --login=LOGIN --password=PASSWORD --proxy=http://MY_PROXY
Afer install completed reboot your server

sudo reboot
Then launch customization script to bond Sandbox node to Static node

/opt/mfd/bin/cluster.sh user@static_node_ip


You will have to obtain a license to get MFD working. License is used to authenticate against update system but first, you need to genarate one license request and send back to Orange Cyberdefense
Generate license request from webservice
Go to the admin/license panel and click "Generate CSR". The license request should appears with the line "License CSR"

Install license with webservice
Go to the admin/license panel and click "Add License". You could check license status after few seconds

Generate license request from CLI
This will print your license request on stdout

$ sudo mfd -g
Install license request with CLI
$ sudo /opt/mfd/bin/license-install.sh my_license.pem

First Antivirus update

MFD update its antivirus catalog every hour by default. For the first time you can force update from CLI

$ mfd -u
You can follow update progression inside journald

$ journalctl -u mfd -f | grep Updater
Mar 25 15:34:52 mfd-test mfd[11743]: [Updater] parse manifest: /var/lib/mfd/kvm//current/MANIFEST.txt
Mar 25 15:34:52 mfd-test mfd[11743]: [Updater] download:
Mar 25 15:34:52 mfd-test mfd[11743]: [Updater] download: